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Recycling Avocado Pits
Did you know that 13% of all food produced on the planet is wasted? Food waste contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. The most important resolution for combating the climate crisis is to find a solution to this problem.
Let’s begin with avocados. Next time you enjoy your avocado on toast, don’t throw away the pit and peel – they can be used in all sorts of ways.
As part of our 4sight2030 sustainable goals, Simplot is working together with a Mexican company called Biofase. Together, we are revolutionizing the bioplastics industry with 100% biodegradable/compostable plastic products made in part from avocado pits recaptured from Simplot’s Mexican avocado and guacamole production.
This is a win-win for consumers, bioplastics makers, and the Mexican avocado industry, which generates 300,000 tons of avocado pits annually. It also creates less waste for us at Simplot. Simplot’s Irapuato and Morelia avocado processing plants have already provided more than 450,000 pounds of pits for bioplastic utensil production.
Keen to do your part and recycle those avocado pits and peels? Here are some suggestions on how you can use the peel and pit.

Regrow The Pit – Your avocado seed has the potential to grow into a magnificent avocado plant. A glass of water, three toothpicks, and a window sill are required. Using the toothpicks, place the avocado pit on the rim of the glass, with the bottom root end submerged in the water. Place it on a window sill with plenty of natural light. The roots and stem will begin to grow in a matter of weeks. Trim the stem when it reaches about 15 cm in length and allow it to sprout. Plant it in nutrient-rich soil when it reaches 15cm in height again to mature into a full-fledged plant.

Blitz The Pit And Make Tea – Put the pit in a small saucepan of water and bring to a boil for 5 minutes, or until softened. Chop it into small pieces and place it in a tea infuser. Place the infuser in a mug and pour boiling water over it. Remove the infuser after 5 minutes of infusing. Because avocado seeds can be bitter, a little honey or other sweetener may be necessary. It is also said to help with digestion.

Soak In the Peels – To get luxuriously soft skin, soak your peels in water in your bathtub, then turn them inside out and rub all that leftover flesh full of gorgeous avocado oil all over your skin. Avocado oil contains a high concentration of antioxidants and vitamins, such as vitamins C and E, which help to moisturize our skin and improve elasticity – a win-win situation!

Shine With The Pit – Get clean with some homemade avocado shampoo. According to a recipe by Bread with Honey, all you need is three dried and shredded avocado pits, six cups of water, and a few ounces of your regular shampoo. The shampoo supposedly thickens and softens hair.